Assistance from Ontime helped to successfully conclude an 8-year-long case, resulting in a settlement for the Claimant of £2.4M

Ontime have been invaluable in their assistance with the case which involves a 43-year-old gentleman who was involved in a road traffic accident at the age of 35. He was injured crossing the road near a pedestrian crossing. Liability was disputed by the Defendant, as they said that the Claimant was intoxicated and stumbled into the path of the Defendant’s vehicle.

After winning a successful trial in liability the team had considerable work to ensure that all medical records were available. Ontime assisted with obtaining records from 7 sources from whom the Claimant had received medical treatment.

The Claimant was put under considerable pressure when the Defendant was successful in their application for specific disclosure of records. The High Court ordered that the Claimant apply for updated records within 2 weeks and disclose them within 1 month, which was a tall order.

Ontime excelled in getting the updated medical records from all 7 record holders which meant that the Claimant was not in breach of an order from the High Court. Having Ontime chasing for records and on our side made the job much easier and helped to reduce the pressure on the team